2008 » September » 01 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 1st, 2008

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, September 1st, 2008
By Glinda


Last week, I asked about Nebraska’s new Safe Haven law, which allows children up to nineteen years of age to be abandoned. Most Safe Haven laws allow only for newborns, and I have to say I agree with the majority vote, which was “I’m not sure.” On one hand, I think that if it were to deter child abuse in older children, then that is a good thing. But what I couldn’t find was any provision, although there may be one, that once you choose to give up the child, that is it. The foster care system isn’t exactly perfect either, so I join you in the fence-sitting.

This week, I just have to ask about Presidential candidate John McCain’s choice of running mate in mother and Alaskan governor Sarah Palin. I thought about not going there, but as a mom, how could I not? I’m curious to see if I am alone in my views, or if anyone shares them. Although I won’t share them until next week.

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