Wanted: Mary Twelveponies » Teeny Manolo

Wanted: Mary Twelveponies

By raincoaster

Thelwell, patron saint of pony ridersThe more elderly and Equiphilic of you will vaguely recall the famous (or infamous) Mary Twelveponies, an Amazonian Californian of indomitable spirit and somewhat cloying self-expression who rose to fame through her ability to train ponies and horses heretofore considered completely untameable and explain them with an “oh gosh” enthusiasm which charmed her audience, even as it left her often-nameless and robotically obedient human students in tsunami-like floods of tears off-camera. Not that I would know anything about that.

The elderly (and apparently still-extant) Mary Twelveponies had better watch her back. They are coming for her.

The lawyers.

As we learn from a contentious divorce case on the fascinating Simple Justice blog, the enlightened state of Kansas has enacted a law stating that no child is entitled to more than three ponies.

…the Kansas “Three Pony Rule,” which states that “‘no child, no matter how wealthy the parents, needs to be provided [with] more than three ponies.'” (quoting In re Patterson, 920 P.2d 450, 455 (Kan. App. 1996)).

Though applied to the needs of a child, this should be a life rule for all of us, along the lines of not eating anything bigger than your head.

Pony rationing! What will they think of next!

4 Responses to “Wanted: Mary Twelveponies”

  1. shg Says:

    When you say “the lawyers,” it sounds so perjorative. Our children need Monolos too, you know. It’s bad enough that they have to grow up knowing that a parent is an attorney. Don’t they deserve something to assauge the pain?

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Okay, but no more than three pairs!

  3. Pam W. Says:

    Hilarious! However, Ms. Twelveponies passed away in 1995.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    Sad news. But at least the lawyers can’t get her now.

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