Words of Wisdom » Teeny Manolo

Words of Wisdom

By Glinda

This ad is so very wrong, but I can’t help but love it anyway. Weren’t things just so very simple back in 1941? Just smack a kid around and give them a laxative!


And I have to admit, I am digging those spectator pumps. I have a thing for spectator pumps because even when they are standing next to a screaming child, they still look good.

via Boing Boing

6 Responses to “Words of Wisdom”

  1. Awesome Mom Says:

    That ad is too hilarious! If only all our parenting problems could be solved with a pleasant tasting caster oil.

  2. Twistie Says:


    Now I’m having visions of little Mary strung out on delicious caster oil. I’m sure it’s very wrong of me, but I can’t stop envisioning her jonesing for a fix.

  3. mrsdarwin Says:

    I can’t put my finger on why, but this is exactly what I needed to see today.

  4. La Petite Acadienne Says:

    You have to wonder what the hell these kids were eating, that laxative use in children was such a pressing issue.

  5. raincoaster Says:

    “Laxative tantrums?”

  6. Jennie Says:

    “So I slapped her and said she was a bad girl!” Doncha love an ad where a parent admits to child abuse without fear of child services?

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