Chris Crocker is Dead! Long Live Dannyhott!
By raincoasterYou will have heard (with shock/horror or delight, your choice) of the retirement of inimitable YouTuber Chris Crocker, otherwise known as Leave Britney Alooooooone Guy, as a result of becoming somewhat past his sell-by date in fameball terms. But grieve no more!
In Dannyhott, the Mimi-crazed, gender-bending adolescent legions of YouTube have once again found an icon and avatar, for right here, in his own bedroom, performing Mariah Carey’s Touch My Body, eleven-year-old Dannyhott bends gender, metre, space and time to become a genuine YouTube phenomenon.
via Dlisted
Um, he also has videos called Tattoo Practice and On the phone with a stranger. I hear Tipper Gore is having a stern word with his parents right this second.
August 4th, 2008 at 1:04 am
There is something very wrong with an eleven year old singing that song.
August 5th, 2008 at 7:36 pm
eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek. I thought that song was terrible anyway, but … just eeeeeeek. I’m going to go hide now.
August 5th, 2008 at 8:17 pm
They SAY it’s rap songs you’ve got to keep an eye on, but nooooooo. It’s the divas who will corrupt your childrens!
November 8th, 2008 at 4:40 pm
i think he just likes to sing and doesnt know the sexual connotations
that this song suggests….if hes gay may god have mercy on his soul