Wordless Wednesday: Waterlily » Teeny Manolo

Wordless Wednesday: Waterlily

By raincoaster


from The Guardian: by Rick Nederstigt/AFP

4 Responses to “Wordless Wednesday: Waterlily”

  1. Jennie Says:

    This looks like the start of a fairy tale…Once upon a time, an evil wizard stole the Princess Lilyflower and left her on her namesake to die. An otter, a frog, and a great blue heron found the abandon child and felt pity. (Left out a whole lot but you get the gist)

  2. Ryanne Says:

    Ok, at first I thought that it was a small doll, but wow that thing is huge. I like Jennie’s start of a fairy tale. She’s right! Happy wordless.

  3. architect Says:

    beautiful.. how did you do that?

  4. raincoaster Says:

    It’s very real. Those particular waterlilies are just that big!

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