Friday Caption Contest: Anderson and Elmo Edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest: Anderson and Elmo Edition

By raincoaster

You know what to do, so do it in the comments.

Anderson and Elmo

5 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest: Anderson and Elmo Edition”

  1. Jennie Says:

    We agreed that since California had finally legalized same sex unions, that we would come out and defend our right to muppet marriges. I love him so….

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Mine is:

    “and…and then he touched me. There.”

  3. gemdiva Says:

    Elmo was amazed at the lifelike figure of Anderson Cooper on display at Mdme. Toussaud’s Museum. Said Elmo ” You would almost swear he was breathing!”

  4. gamma Says:

    Anderson Cooper maintains a stiff upper lip despite the realization that his assistant neglected to inform him that the Sesame Street gala was black-tie.

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