Well, it IS » Teeny Manolo

Well, it IS

By raincoaster

Apparently Kanye West, for whom I have an inexplicable weakness (but then, I have a thing for egomaniacs, they remind me of … me) is, apparently, quite the blogger. And good for him. Like all bloggers, sometimes he gets it right, sometimes he gets it wrong, and sometimes he splits the difference.

Like this:

This is, indeed retarded

Because we all know a $15,00.00 baby carriage covered with precious metals and diamonds is totally justified.

From KanyeUniverseCity, via WhatWouldJCrewDo?

5 Responses to “Well, it IS”

  1. Ana Says:

    Bwahaaaa! Yeah that looks like something he’d “ride” his baby in!

  2. Brian's Babymomma Says:

    Is it a crib or a stroller? I’m so confused. Either way it’s ugly.

  3. raincoaster Says:

    Ana, I think that’s comment of the week!

    To me, this thing looks like some kind of steampunk convertible, perhaps marketed by BabyPhat. I can just see Mariah Carey or Paris Hilton in it, being pulled by a team of bodybuilders.

  4. Phyllis Says:

    So is it coal fired?

  5. Bellamama Says:

    That’s just plain hysterical! There are so many things I could say, but I’d have to stop laughing first!

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