Friday Caption Contest Results: Pony Feeding Edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest Results: Pony Feeding Edition

By raincoaster

Of course you recall our classic girl-with-pony picture from Friday. And now, in an utterly stunning unseen upset that is sure to rock the Manolosphere to its very core, we now announce the shocking winner:

Kid and pony

raincoaster Says:

Sarah Jessica Parker interviewed by Abigail Breslin for MTV “Cribs.”

Yeah, that’s right. Mama needs a new pair of shoes. These:

Michael Kors sherpa-lined riding boots


4 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest Results: Pony Feeding Edition”

  1. dgm Says:

    I bow to you.

  2. gamma Says:

    Your wit and superfantasticness triumph once more, raincoaster. Enjoy the riding boots!

  3. raincoaster Says:

    Thank you. My wit and superfantasticness triumphed indeed: also, I slept with the judge.

  4. Bellamama Says:

    Hurrah for Raincoaster! You finally win one! And about time too!

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