Friday Caption Contest: Canuck Cowboy Edition » Teeny Manolo

Friday Caption Contest: Canuck Cowboy Edition

By raincoaster

Tyrel Benjamin

Passed along by Spirit Fingers at AYYYY.

Young cowboy Tyrel Benjamin holds on to someone as he rides a sheep during the Mutton Bustin event at the annual three-day Chiniki First Nations Canada Day Rodeo in Morley, Alberta, July 2, 2006. [Reuters]

Yeehaw, we-all around these parts ain’t never seen a case of bad career choice to beat this ‘un. Looks ter me lahk li’l Tyrel Benjamin hee-yar is ridin’ fer a fall! He shud jess finish school and become all accountant-like or sumpin. Nahss hayt, tho.

Or blogger. There’s big bucks in blogging.

Captions in the comments, jest lahk yew-zhew-wul.

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17 Responses to “Friday Caption Contest: Canuck Cowboy Edition”

  1. Atasha Says:

    Do you still want to be a vegetarian, son?

    Oh wait I thought of a corny joke! Here it goes.
    “Daddy can I get a ride on “ewe”? Sure son. Hehehehe oh gosh I tried.

  2. Liz Says:

    But I don’t wanna grow up to be a cowboy!!!

  3. Caitlin Says:

    I don’t have a caption, but this definitely looks like a massive head injury waiting to happen. Poor kid is terrified.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    In all seriousness, nah! The kid is scared, but safe. I used to ride horses for a living, and those rings are soft. The kid will fall (assuming Daddy lets go) about 2 1/2 feet onto sand. That’s less risky than most playground equipment. That said, I prefer the English style hunt caps to cowboy hats (both of which I own), both for safety and because they look so superfantastic.

  5. gemdiva Says:

    May I submit two this week?

    “Daddy, if you ever plan on havin’ grandchildren, git me off this thing NOW!!”

    ” WHOA, my boys haven’t had a ride like this since little Jimmy Joe Saunders sat on his end of the seesaw before I was ready to sit on mine.”

  6. raincoaster Says:

    The more the merrier!

    BTW Canadian First Nations people don’t talk with southern US accents, but the ubiquity of the accent, combined with how much fun it is to write, made this irresistable.

  7. Margaret Says:

    Momma, please don’t let me grow up to be a cowboy!

    (I know, close to the above comment but I had already thought of it, I promise!!)


    8 seconds? you want me to stay on THIS for 8 seconds?

  8. raincoaster Says:

    I can’t resist doing one myself:

    “I am NEVER coming back to New Zealand again!”

  9. patois Says:

    I said cowboy, not sheepboy.

  10. Bellamama Says:

    Oooh, exceptional choice, raincoaster!

    “Take your kid to work day” wasn’t as much fun as Tyrel thought it would be.

  11. chichimama Says:

    Patois took my first idea! But how about this one…

    “This is NOTHING like riding Elmo at the mall!”

  12. Maddy Says:

    I have no clever comments, but back when I was that child’s age, I had myself a lover’s tryst with a mutton buster.
    I remember it well: I was born a city girl. My parents moved me out to the middle of nowhere. The transition was made better by Brian. Brian was born a rancher. We were star-crossed lovers from the get go. When he became my boyfriend, I knew we were serious: We talked three times a week and even kissed behind the jungle gym once. Every year at the county fair, Brian competed in Mutton Bustin. In his last year in Mutton Bustin we were pulling for a big win while looking ahead to bright days with bigger animals. He got on the sheep, stayed on for two seconds, fell off, and broke his arm. Soon thereafter, I decided that it was better if we saw other people.
    He went on to drop out of high school and work at his father’s ranch.

    Ahhh..young love.

  13. raincoaster Says:

    Brian, if you’re out there, I think you need to get in touch.

  14. Leah Says:

    Lamb Chop’s mission was almost complete… The song would end. IT WOULD END!!!

  15. raincoaster Says:

    Leah, that’s a good one, but the judges got their verdict in before we fished your comment out of the spam filter. Sorry; next time we promise not to lose you!

  16. Leah Says:

    No worries! It’s all fun. 🙂

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