Oh Cindy… » Teeny Manolo

Oh Cindy…

By Glinda

Itā€™s all about Cindy

This picture just gives me a million more reasons to hate you.

-You are devastatingly beautiful even with your hair wet
-And no makeup
-Your toned muscles would enable you to handily kick the ass of one Paris Hilton
-You are 40-ish years old and yet you look better in a bikini than many 20-ish year olds. Yes, Lindsay, I’m talking to you!
-You live a lifestyle in which you are frolicking on a warm beach in November with your happy, beautiful family

Uh, call me sometime, ok? People tell me I’m really fun to hang out with. And a good listener. Really, I’m totally best friend material. Just forget that hating you part…

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8 Responses to “Oh Cindy…”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    I have her workout tape, and believe me, she works hard for that body. I was in marathon-running shape when I bought the tape, but it quite thoroughly kicked my ass (and also raised it a few inches).

  2. dgm Says:

    I once saw her at Starbuck’s in Santa Monica with no makeup. She is so dang perty.

  3. patois Says:

    Yeah, but she also had to be married to Richard Gere, right? So her life isn’t all good.

  4. teapunk Says:

    Don’t forget: she is also rich. And pretty. And on a nice beach while I sit here staring out to the boring grey cold wet November sky.
    And some people would see it as some kind of bonus to have been married to Richard Gere šŸ™‚

  5. ML Says:

    She works hard for her fit body and it shows. Kudos for her! The looks? Well, she was born that way, so…kudos for her again šŸ™‚

  6. J Says:

    Some people sure get more than their fair share in the genes department, huh? But she’s smart enough to know what to do with them.

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