2007 » September » 29 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 29th, 2007

The Revolution will be Machine-Washable!

Saturday, September 29th, 2007
By raincoaster


As a collectivist denizen of darkest Canuckistan myself, I totally heart these. We should make them standard uniform in our military; it would make peacekeeping duties in former Soviet republics just that much more lively, don’t you think? I certainly hope a portion of the proceeds from sales are going to support urban renewal projects in Havana, yet somehow one doubts. They were, after all, hanging up next to the Pink Panther socks, and the Pink Panther is a well-known right-wing Libertarian.

Does his agent know about this?

Stolen from Houseplant Picture Studio, via Nag on the Lake.

And of course, no guerrilla fashion ensemble would be complete without:


Your Saturday Shoe Guide

Saturday, September 29th, 2007
By Glinda

Bronzed Baby Shoe

When you are the new parent of an infant, the whole shoe thing, it’s hard. Well, actually the entire infant thing is hard, but you’ve got this little bundle and you think, should I put shoes on those adorable feet? Are socks better? Or perhaps nothing at all if weather permits?

I know that my own mother gave me exactly zero advice on matters such as these. I often wonder if it was because she didn’t want to seem like an overbearing grandma, always telling me how to raise my child. But more often, I think it was because she had completed her child-raising so many years ago that the mists of time had pretty much fogged her vision.

So with my mother’s memory loss, I was left to flomp around on my own, as I was the first among my friends to have a child. Yeah, they thank me now because I was the one that made all the mistakes that they were able to learn from. They totally owe me.

And since buying footwear for infants and toddlers is a much different process than just buying the Louboutins because they look beautiful and elegant, I thought I would try to find a handy-dandy guide to purchasing infant and child shoes. We adults can grin and bear any discomfort because we know we look hot, but infants and toddlers have very specific shoe needs that need to be met. If they aren’t, it can cause problems in their development. Very serious and weighty matters to add to the already serious and weighty matter of having a screeching, twelve-pound dictator on your hands.

I think I found a very good set of guidelines here. There seems to be lots of solid advice for new parents to follow.

Who knew that being clueless and too tired to go out and buy shoes for my infant son actually turned out to be a good move on my part?

Angelina Jolie and the Littlest Surgeon

Saturday, September 29th, 2007
By raincoaster

As even the battle-hardened noiristes at Defamer say, Angelina Jolie will make you cry. I dare you to watch this and listen to her story and keep your upper lip from quivering, just a bit.

The speech was filmed at the Clinton Global Initiative Conference, and released to publicize the launch of the Clinton Global Initiative website MyCommittment.org.
Now, I must confess that Angelina Jolie has always irritated me. I thought the humanitarian stuff was basically a PR move, like Paris Hilton being appointed a UN ambassador or something. When she started collecting children like they were going out of style, it spoke to me of something inside her that just wanted to out-martyr Mia Farrow.
And, really, girl could eat a sammich.
But the fact is that whatever her motivations, she’s doing good work. She’s getting it accomplished. I’m posting this video and giving Clinton’s project some needed juice because it is Angelina Jolie, and I know people will click on this to see what she has to say. Defamer ran it in the first place because it was Angelina Jolie and not some schlubby middle-aged flyover state chino-wearing librarian. So, in its way, it’s as perfect an example of the power of celebrity being used for good as I can find.
But we can still hate her for what she did to Jen.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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