If Mothers Ruled the World… » Teeny Manolo

If Mothers Ruled the World…

By raincoaster

Sally Field in Not Without My DaughterWhich you really have to ask, why don’t they? You’d think, with all they do for their kids, they could at least successfully indoctrinate them into the cult of mother-worship.

Then again, there’s Oedipus Rex: he did indeed love his mother, but he’s nobody’s idea of a role model.

In any case, here we have the much more wholesome Sally Field, whose heartfelt cri de coeur at the Emmys was so unceremoniously blanked out, her beaming visage replaced by a quick cut to a steroid-inflated disco ball. Yes, Gidget Got Gagged.

We here at TeenyManolo could not let this injustice live unavenged; verily, we have conducted our own version of the Watergate break-in, sneaking out under cover of darkness, clad all in black like a New York fashionista, including the black Capezio ballet flats, returning with the actual missing words writhing in a sack. Now, we shall set them free.

If only, oh, if only Richard Nixon had chanted this as an affirmation on those missing 18 minutes of tape, the world would have turned out quite differently.

Ladies and gentlemen, may we present the censored words of the eminently right-thinking Sally Field:

“If mothers ruled the world, there would be no God-damned wars in the first place.”

4 Responses to “If Mothers Ruled the World…”

  1. Glinda Says:

    I think she’s right, myself. There may be some sort of “Snark-offs” but no wars as we know them.

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Me, I dunno. I remember the story of Boudicca (which is spelled eighteen billion different ways) and how she totally kicked the Roman’s asses. Joan of Arc called herself a mother to her entire nation and she certainly isn’t remembered for her peacetime exploits, which largely consisted of herding sheep. Weren’t the Aztecs matriarchal and warlike? Or am I getting it mixed up?

    Still, she’s right that it’s far harder to declare war when you have your own kids at risk. I’m not seeing Jenna or Not-Jenna in a uniform…

  3. JaneC Says:

    Yes, but Boudicca and Joan of Arc were defending against invaders. If there had been mothers in charge of the other countries, they wouldn’t have invaded, and Boudicca and Joan could have stayed home.

  4. raincoaster Says:

    War takes two sides, as Gandhi demonstrated; you can still win if only one side wants to fight, and it’s not yours.

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