Monday Teeny Poll
Monday, September 17th, 2007By Glinda
Anyone who’s ever grocery shopped with more than a handful of young ‘uns along for the ride knows what it is to wrangle cats. Cats on crack. They all have ten times more energy than you do, they all know exactly what they want to do and where they want to go, and they all want to go, at top speed, to the parts of the store that are farthest from any of the other youthful sprogs you may have brought along. It’s like someone paid them to demonstrate the laws of thermodynamics.
Naturally, as harnessing the lot to your grocery cart a la stagecoach horses may be frowned on in some communities, we must seek for our readers a better solution.
Although that one is mighty funny.
Instead, we recommend this ingenious grocery game suggested by Lori Dee on the positively delightful Parenting Snark thread on the Perfect World Board.
As I used items up at home I’d save labels of commonly used things such as peanut butter, canned beans, etc. I’d even cut the front off of boxes or save the bag of say, rice or oatmeal. Also, ad circulars.
You keep this stuff in a small canvas bag and you give one to the children as you approach that section and ask them to find it. When they find it, they can help put it in the cart.
This is awesome, although it doesn’t work as well at home. No matter how detailed my sketches of a Martini, all I ever get is Evian with an olive.