From MSNBC, I learned that there are parents out there who are potty training their children without diapers, sometimes from birth.
Hold on, I need to get some aspirin, because the mere thought of doing something like that gives me a headache.
These parents believe that the benefits to being diaperless are numerous, among them the fact that they do not impact the earth with disposable diapers, who admittedly have a less than desirable half-life. I can totally get behind that. But I want to shake them and say, “Have you never heard of cloth diapers?” This is crunchy, but with a capital K. They claim to be inspired by other countries and continents, such as Africa, where it is wrongly assumed that diaperless babies are the norm.
I don’t know, maybe I was just a lazy mom, because some days between the lack of sleep and my son’s colic, it was all I could do to go through the zombie-like motions, much less watch my child like a hawk to see if he was going #1 or heaven forbid, #2 without a diaper. I practiced attachment parenting, but this is taking it to an entirely new, and frankly crazy, level.
I was reading the article, attempting to keep my snorts of disbelief to myself, when I reached this last section:
Isis Arnesen, 33, of Boston, has a 14-week-old daughter, Lucia, who is diaper-free. She said it can be awkward to explain the process to people, such as when she helped Lucia relieve herself in a sink at a public restroom.
“Sometimes I don’t know what’s gonna happen and it doesn’t work, and sometimes I feel a little embarrassed,” Arnesen said. “It makes her happy though, right? She smiles, she’s happy.”
Did that say what I thought it said? Ms. Arnesen held her infant over a public sink? Were the toilets in the restroom non-functional? When is it ever ok for anybody to relieve themselves in a public sink? Unless homegirl travels around with anti-bacterial wipes and scrubs down every sink her daughter uses as a toilet, I am not ok with that.
My friends, this is example #45 on “how not to win people over to your cause.”
And of course her daughter is happy, she’s only 14 weeks old! I highly doubt that if Ms. Arnesen were to switch to diapers, her daughter would all of a sudden become a morose, sullen child who refused to play peek-a-boo.
Methinks these people just might have a little too much time on their hands.