Unintentionally Scary
Friday, September 7th, 2007By Glinda
All right, even though Joan is going to hate me for doing this, I have to talk about Halloween costumes.
Why, you may ask?
Because if my grocery store is already setting up their Halloween candy display, that means I am now allowed to broach the subject. And all you moms know that the longer you hold off buying your child’s costume, the more likely it is you will wind up with something that was popular three years ago in a size too small. I speak the truth. It’s ugly and I know you don’t want to hear it, but deep down you know I’m right.
As I was trolling around the vast internets, I saw some truly frightening costumes out there, especially for infants. Like this:
Now, there are almost too many things going on here. I suppose I could do a “Child of the Corn” joke, but I’m sure you saw that coming from a mile away. Actually, I’m kinda speechless. That the model is in fact a doll is totally creeping me out. But in all seriousness, this is not a quality costume, it looks like it was thrown together as a middle school Home Ec project. Scratch that, I am insulting all Home Ec-enrolled middle schoolers. You just don’t want to be forced into buying this because there’s nothing left, do you?
And please, for the love of all that is holy, do not do this to your sweet, precious infant:
Yes, yes, the image is rather grainy, but do you really expect quality photography from a company that suggests you dress your child as a whoopee cushion?
Now, I think I need to do some sort of deep breathing excercises to get the image of that doll out of my brain.