2007 » September » 06 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 6th, 2007

Caption Me!

Thursday, September 6th, 2007
By raincoaster

We at TeenyManolo are, as you well know, all about etiquette, protocol, and suchlike varmints: yea, we are nothing if not elegantish! And we take very seriously our responsibility to find out what the jet set is up to, who’s sailing on the Cunard this year, where dear, dear Coco is spending the season, and what’s going on with the charmingly inbred fashion plates who sit atop the social structure of quaint, beer-loving countries.

Such as:

The Belgian Royale Familie!

Dear readers, allow me to present the royal family of Belgium, or at least some of them.

Belgium’s Princess Claire (L) and her husband Prince Laurent arrive with their children, Princess Louise (C) and twins Princes Nicolas (seated R) and Aymeric (seated L), at Queen Paola’s 70th birthday party at Laeken Royal Palace in Brussels September 2, 2007. Belgium’s Princess Laetitia-Maria (with black shoes) is also seen. REUTERS/Yves Herman (BELGIUM)

Whee ayt zee TeenyManolo, zhink yoo cahnn do bet-TAIR. Captionnez, s’il vous plait!

(I get to make wit zee fonnay hack-senn, bicos ai whoz boarn en France han raize hin Canada, eh)

The Horrible, Terrible, No-Good, Very Bad Shoes

Thursday, September 6th, 2007
By Glinda

Look away from the shoes!

What a fabulous photo of little Kingston. He is rockin’ that belt, for sure, although it is funny to see his diaper peeking out of those distressed jeans! I can’t decide who he looks more like. I’m gonna go with Gwen for the time being.

It is fortunate that Kingston is such a doll, because it keeps my eyes away from the monstrosities that are Papa Rossdale’s shoes. But now that I have reminded myself, I can’t stop looking at them. So let’s take a gander, shall we?

My eyes!  My eyes!

Ummmm, are those actually fringed sueded moccasins, or do mine eyes deceive me? With laces? They are some sort of mocca-sneaker-loafer-western-boot hybrid that quite frankly, scare me.

And, since I started doing snippets on celebrity babies, I have found myself unable to “fug” a child as it were. I mean, it isn’t exactly as if they have a choice in what they are wearing or anything.

Although it has crossed my mind that one day, perhaps 14 or so years from now, one of these children will be on their own blogs, hurling invectives at me for daring to point out his darling daddy’s ugly shoes.

The Red Shirts Are Coming!

Thursday, September 6th, 2007
By Glinda

Look! An actual red shirt!

And one of them is my son!

No, there is no imminent English invasion ahead. “Red-shirting” is the term used for holding children, usually boys, back a year in order for them to have a better chance at success in school. It is lifted from sports terminology when referring to team members who practice with the team, but don’t actually play. Usually to get them acclimated to the level of play so they will be ready the next year.

This is a big topic among almost all parents who have children with birthdays in the months of September through December. On one hand, you want your child to have as many advantages in school as possible. Some parents believe the developmental differerences between a child born in January and a child born in December of the same year are too large to ignore, thus putting the December child at a disadvantage in an academic setting. On the other hand, you have social pressure to put your child in school even if they have a late birthday because in doing so, you are somehow admitting your child won’t cut it.

Talk about a minefield!

I agonized over the decision to hold my son back for almost a year. The biggest opponent to holding him back was actually my own mother. She was not, is not, will never be happy that my son is in “Junior Kindergarten” this year instead of regular. She has tried to talk me out of it multiple times, each time with less and less patience on my part.

It is my opinion that with the heavy emphasis on academics in schools courtesy of the No Child Left Behind Act, he would do better if he was held back. I tried in vain to explain to my mom that the kindergarten of my youth is not the same kindergarten of today. He also, I think, needs more time to learn the important skills of cooperation and teamwork, which will hopefully make his school career go a bit more smoothly. Social skills are just as important as academic ones, and younger children are less socially developed than their older peers.

It wasn’t a decision I made lightly, and it certainly wasn’t because I want him to be the biggest and strongest kid on the playground. It also wasn’t due to a lack of intelligence, he can already read. However, taking all the factors listed above into account, as well as his personality, I made the executive decision. Because I am without a doubt the decider.

Besides, the school’s own admission policy states that any child enrolled in kindergarten must be five at the start of the school year. My son will be five at the end of this month. Many schools are doing this in their own self-interest to boost or maintain scores, as well as recognizing the increasing academic load being placed on our children at an earlier age. And since it works out that their policy is also in the best interest of my son, I’m all for it. As an added bonus, it shuts my mom up, too.

Babyhaters 2: Babies 0

Thursday, September 6th, 2007
By raincoaster


Tasering the Teenies, Part Two. Click for Part One. And here I thought it was all a joke.

Nope; silly me! According to the Daily Mail the UK is all over this stuff!

Police have been given the go-ahead to use Taser stun guns against children.

The relaxing of restrictions on the use of the weapons comes despite warnings that they could trigger a heart attack in youngsters.

Until now, Tasers – which emit a 50,000-volt electric shock – have been used only by specialist officers as a “non lethal” alternative to firearms…

Amnesty International claims Tasers have been responsible for 220 deaths in America since 2001. Many cities and police forces there have banned their use against minors.

Two years ago in Chicago a 14-year-old boy went into cardiac arrest after being shot with one. Medics had to use a defibrillator four times to resuscitate him.

Taser International, the American firm that makes the device, said tests on pigs suggested the weapons were safe.

I will forgo the obvious pun.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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