Why I’m Not on Pinterest
Thursday, October 4th, 2012By Glinda
I’ve got nothing against Pinterest.
In fact, I’m sort of fascinated by Pinterest. I mean, in theory, what’s not to like?
Cute things, pretty things, kid things, food things, and all kinds of things in between.
But yet I have managed to not register for an account, nor do I visit even semi-regularly.
You see, I simply don’t have the time.
I am one of those people who would lose myself in all of the stuff, finding excuses to go on the site when I didn’t really need to, or needlessly researching photos in order to Pin them.
I don’t have the time for that.
I feel like I would be back in the olden, heady days of my personal blog (I started blogging in 2004) where I spent an inordinate amount of time visiting other people’s blogs.
I’ve got a fourth grader to homeschool, a house to at least attempt to keep clean, a demanding toddler with a full therapy schedule, and oh hey, some things called friends in real life that I should try to call and talk to.
Roll those all together, which isn’t even counting cooking or reading books or spending time with my husband, and you have someone who is so far successfully resisting the siren call of Pinterest.
How about you?