2012 » September » 18 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 18th, 2012

Teeny Weeny Bikinis

Tuesday, September 18th, 2012
By Glinda

I don’t like these.

And I don’t just mean the bad Photoshopping of the backgrounds.

Little girls in bikinis are a big pet peeve of mine, even before I had a daughter.  And now Liz Hurley has decided to jump on the early sexualization of young girls bandwagon with her own clothing line.  I think the purple one, with the ring on the top piece, is especially egregious.  Little girls are not women, nor should they dress exactly like them!

I just don’t get the whole little girls in bikinis thing.  If anything, we should be covering our kids’ skin as much as possible, not exposing most of it to the sun.  I don’t do a long sleeve rash guard, but both of my kids wear short-sleeved ones.

I know that Jessica Simpson also took some heat for posting photos of her infant in a bikini, which although the baby is cute as a button, I’m not totally down with it.  I read that it was supposed to be a retort on how Simpson should be in “bikini body” shape after giving birth, but still.

Fight the bikinis, girls, fight the bikinis!

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