Monday Teeny Poll
By Glinda72% of you say that expensive is not necessarily the way to go when it comes to buying new children’s furnishings. The rest are all for it, and I’m not against that either. It’s just that I’ve seen my son’s casual disregard for anything that isn’t electronic, so I’m loathe to purchase something expensive. Because I’m pretty sure he will just do something dumb and ruin it.
Heck, when I was his age I ruined the furniture in my room by neglecting to put a coaster under my glasses, and I was fairly conscientious. There were dressers we could have gotten from family members, but I needed a tall chest of drawers rather than a long dresser, and all anybody had were the long dressers. So, cheap furniture it was!
Today I would like to know if the tragic shooting in Colorado has colored how you feel about attending the movies, at least for the short term.
July 23rd, 2012 at 1:14 pm
They are so dang expensive that we rarely go any way so it has in no way changed my movie attendance pattern.
July 29th, 2012 at 8:50 am
Took the family to see “Brave” in a theater. Before that, the previous see-in-theater-movie (sans kids) was Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part ONE. (have yet to see the last, though we’ve owned the DVD since December). So it would be hard to go to the theater less than we currently do.