2012 » June » 19 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for June 19th, 2012

Tuesday Teeny Poll

Tuesday, June 19th, 2012
By Glinda

Hey, remember last week when I said my computer was fixed?

Well, it wasn’t.  Or at least I did something else to piss it off which also had to be fixed, which we really haven’t determined yet.  Either way, almost a week on the computer, lost. I was given a laptop to ostensibly use, but I hated the thing so much I just glanced at some headlines, glanced at my emails to see if anything big was happening, and hopped off.

So, apologies and onwards and upwards and all that jazz…

My last poll question was regarding cruises, and the majority of responses (45%) said that they hadn’t and had no desire to.  27% haven’t but would like to, and the next two responses of “yes, and it was great” and “I have, but it wasn’t what it was cracked up to be” were split with 13% each.

I must admit wanting to try cruising at least once.  I have my eye on a Disney cruise as soon as my daughter is old enough to stop throwing tantrums, which at this rate might be in five years or so.

Anyhoo, I’ve been shopping a lot lately, and want to know:

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