Tuesday Teeny Poll » Teeny Manolo

Tuesday Teeny Poll

By Glinda

Only 32% of you agree with Michelle Duggar about world overpopulation, and I’m not about to argue with you.  Not because I agree with you, but because I’m pretty sure I wouldn’t be able to change your mind no matter what I said.

Today I want to know what your favorite vegetable is.  Don’t ask me why, I just do.

6 Responses to “Tuesday Teeny Poll”

  1. KESW Says:

    So… your first paragraph is reading with a snark/utter condescension overtone to me. Is that how you meant it to come off? There is no one answer to the question of whether overpopulation is a pressing issue in our time, and there are highly qualified, well-informed people speaking on both sides of the issue. “Only” 32% (almost a third in a poll with 3 options)? You asked the question and you got an apparently honest response from your reader base. I’d be very concerned and question my continuing to read here (although that’s hardly a threat, I know) if I am indeed reading your tone correctly. I’m hoping that it’s just that I haven’t finished my coffee yet and am misinterpreting you.

    To bring the relevancy train back on track, I like lots and lots of vegetables — too hard to choose a favorite!

  2. Glinda Says:

    No, I wasn’t trying to be condescending, it is just that on issues such as this (e.g. political) I have found that most people have their way of thinking and that they tend to stay in their mindset no matter what is said.

    Which is their right, of course.

    It’s just that I no longer try to persuade people to my way of thinking, if that makes any sense. I let them draw their own conclusions and nobody gets into an argument.

    My apologies if that came off as snarky, I didn’t mean it to. Perhaps I could have explained it better in the post.

  3. KESW Says:

    Thanks for the response! I hate getting confrontational in blog-land, but in instances like this where I could have just kept my mouth shut and been cranky about my (wrong) interpretation, the pay off was totally worth it. Smiley faces all around now to ease my irrational discomfort! 🙂 🙂 🙂

  4. Glinda Says:

    Ironically, that was my attempt to NOT cause people discomfort, although in looking at it, I can see where you were coming from.

    This isn’t a political type blog, and I was trying to acknowledge the charged nature of the question, while still respectfully maintaining my disagreement.


  5. Seana Says:

    I, for one, enjoy the Teeny poll in order to see how other people feel, which incentally is often different from myself. Sort of an eye opener.

    Also, I picked a favorite, but I love ALL those vegetables.

  6. Seana Says:

    I should not be allowed on the internet after lunch when the food coma sets in. “Incidentally” is what I meant to type. Jeesh!

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