If someone could answer that question for me, I’d be grateful to know when the light will be showing at the end of this long and torturous tunnel.
You see, my beautiful, outgoing, mile-a-minute 2 1/2 year old still does not sleep through the night.
Well, Glinda, that’s fairly normal for her age, you say. It’s a myth that all toddlers sleep through the night.
You would be right.
However, do most toddlers stay up for HOURS? When I say hours, I mean that last night she was up from 3am to 4:30am and the night before she was up from 12:30am to 3:30am. This goes on for usually three to four days a week.
She used to spend most of this time screeching, but she’s gotten a little bit better. We used to think that it was teething pain, but that is no longer the case as she now has all the teeth she is going to have for a while. We will give her some water, maybe change her diaper, and we certainly don’t sit there and entertain her. However, she has a horrific time going back to sleep, even though she initially falls asleep fairly quickly.
We co-sleep with her, but have also tried leaving her alone, which hasn’t worked very successfully. And truly, we just can’t take it anymore. It is impossible for me to predict if she will nap or what time she should go to bed from day to day, which drives this routine-loving mom crazy.
We tried speaking to our pediatrician about the issue, but he blew us off and said it was probably just teething.
My tired husband (who has to get up at 5am for work) and I, who usually have to take shifts during her awake periods, are at the end of our rope. We talk daily about leaving the kids with some water and crackers and checking ourselves into a hotel. Uh, jokingly, of course. As if! As if I would think of doing that. For more than five minutes.
I never knew how wonderful a sleeper my son was until my daughter came along. He was sleeping all night from 9 months on, and can still sleep through almost anything.
Any advice? Because I will admit that I am far from a perfect parent.