2012 » February » 27 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for February 27th, 2012

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, February 27th, 2012
By Glinda

Well, it looks like we have a bunch of people who don’t classify themselves as extroverts or introverts, but somewhere in between.  Well, I cant’ argue with the 58% who chose that answer, because I’m the same way.  I think to most people I would appear to be an extrovert, but I definitely need my down time, preferably with a book.  33% chose to label themselves as more introverted, and only 8% felt they were social butterflies.

Tonight as my husband and I were fast-forwarding through the Oscar telecast, the Munchkin came out of his room and asked what we were watching.  I told him we were watching an awards show.  Blank look.  For people who make movies.  Even more blank of a look if that’s possible.  “Sounds dumb,”  he said.

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