2011 » December » Teeny Manolo

Archive for December, 2011

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, December 12th, 2011
By Glinda

Hello my dears, apologies for my absence last week.  Things got a little confusing for a bit, and then sickness hit both myself and my husband at the same time.

The overwhelming consensus was that the leopard-print polyester shirt intended for teens was a big bunch of fugly, with 53% disapproving.  Another 26% felt that it was criminal to charge that much for something that looks like a bargain-bin find at the Salvation Army.  Only a small 9% total felt it was fine, or could possibly look cute on someone less than 14 years old.

As the big holidays creep ever nearer, I want to know what you do in the kitchen.

A Wednesday Video Diversion

Wednesday, December 7th, 2011
By Glinda

First Grade Problems Meme

Tuesday, December 6th, 2011
By Glinda

Oh internets, you never fail to amuse.


Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, December 5th, 2011
By Glinda

Thanksgiving seems like such a long time ago, does it not?

It seems that almost all of you are in it for the stuffing, with 48% of the vote.  Dessert and alcohol tied at 14% (imagine that) and turkey came in with 11%.  Which is suprising because I don’t know all that many people who are crazy about turkey.  NOBODY voted for sweet potatoes, which boggles the mind. Your house must not feature the ones my sister makes.

Today I wish to ask your opinion of this rather highly rated shirt from a popular tween store called Justice.  I want to warn you that it is made of polyester.

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

Friday, December 2nd, 2011
By Glinda

Oh my.

As marvel pointed out, I do believe this was the first time in CDF history that the vote was unanimous.

Sorry, Vince Vaughn.  Maybe I should have chosen a picture of your younger, hotter self.  Or perhaps Pierce Brosnan is practically unbeatable.

We’ll see.

Sometimes I come across a celebrity dad and I smack my forehead in wonderment that I haven’t featured them yet.

And this next contender is one of them.  A successful soap opera actor in his own right, he is also known as the husband to Kelly Ripa.  Also, he is almost painfully handsome.



Kourtney Kardashian a More Successful Mommy Blogger Than I’ll Ever Be

Thursday, December 1st, 2011
By Glinda

I’ve made peace with the fact that I’m never going to rise to any Doocian levels of fame.

I just toil quietly here in my little corner of the blogosphere, riding the coattails of the boss, and simply hoping to brighten someone’s day, somewhere.

But then I found out that Kourtney Kardashian has a mommy blog.

Granted it’s a video blog, but it launched only a few days ago and already almost 3,000 people have fanned it on Facebook.

I’m not bitter or anything.

But I think I’ll retreat into the kitchen and drown myself in some spiked eggnog now.




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