2011 » September » 01 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for September 1st, 2011

Well, That Was Refreshing

Thursday, September 1st, 2011
By Glinda

I know, I know.

I said I would not abandon you over the month of August, and I was only half truthful.

And not that I’m trying to complain (no way, no how) but sometimes it’s hard to write entertaining things on two blogs five days a week.  I try, but I’m not always as successful as I’d like to be.   So, I thought I’d take a bit of a mental break, so to speak.

I wanted to return refreshed and more entertaining and actually be able to string coherent thoughts of my own together, instead of cobbling them from somewhere else.  Which I really hate doing.

Lots happened while I was gone, like hot-saucing and 7 year olds getting thrown overboard and crazy birthday parties for kids that make me sort of want to weep.   Somehow we caught the kid’s party show and the woman spent almost $28,000 on her son’s tenth birthday party.  My  husband and I turned to our son who will soon be turning nine and said in unison, “DO NOT expect to ever have a party like that.”  Kid will be lucky if we spend two hundred.  Seriously, I’m over big birthday parties.  Let him and a couple buddies hang out and do something cool, and I’ll call it a day.

But anyhoo, I’m back now and hopefully you didn’t abandon me in the meantime.

I’ve got a special treat lined up for your viewing pleasure for tomorrow’s CDF, don’t miss it!




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