As you may already know, last week Gallup published the results of this survey, which showed that if Americans were to only have one child, 40% would prefer a boy. 28% preferred a girl, and 26% stated that it didn’t matter.
So while not quite a majority, still quite a big differential going on there.
Is it the whole “girls can get pregnant” thing? Would people rather be the parent of the impregnator rather than the impregnatee?
Is it a financial thing, where people seem to think boys are cheaper to raise?
Perhaps they are concerned about passing on the family name.
Or is it a flat-out gender bias?
What do you think?
And just a side note, the two lads featured up there in the picture come courtesy of Marie Osmond.
I think they will haunt my dreams. And I didn’t want to be the only person having nightmares, so I had to share.
You’re welcome.