Things I Love: Bubbly Bows » Teeny Manolo

Things I Love: Bubbly Bows

By Glinda

My daughter is a bit young for these yet, as she will pull any barette out of her hair when given the opportunity.  But, I cannot wait until she is a little bit older so that I can put some of these in her hair.  They have so many different kinds of bows, and I adore almost all of them.   And I’m not really what I would call a person given to dress my child up as a “girly girl.”  I just think they are well done and so very creative.   There are a ton, including holiday themed ones, so check them all out!

They are a bit pricey though, so maybe Grandma can find it in her heart to get some for a future birthday.

Ice Cream Cone

Pirate Girl


Little Red Riding Hood

Monkey Face

Ballerina Slippers


4 Responses to “Things I Love: Bubbly Bows”

  1. marvel Says:

    They are adorable — but given how many barrettes we’ve lost over the years, I’d hate to spend a lot on them for daily wear. But would be very cute for special occasions.

  2. Glinda Says:

    Oh Lordy yes, special occasions only!

  3. The BabbyMama Says:

    The crab is awesome! The Babby would love it… but it would get pulled out so she could look at it.

  4. Glinda Says:

    They have a ton of different colored crabs on the website, and all are adorable.

    But yes, I’m guessing they should probably be around school-aged before they can wear them.

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