Monday Teeny Poll
Monday, October 18th, 2010By Glinda
Last week I wished to find out how you felt about Heidi Klum’s Project Runway outfits for New Balance. I’m glad to say I was not the only one who considered them fugly, as 63% of you disliked them. Not only for being fugly, but expensive and fugly, which is the worst kind. I don’t know ANY of my friends who would willingly wear any of those pieces, and I think my friends are the type of people whom Heidi thinks would buy her stuff. Sorry, Heidi, but you struck out with these.
Today I want to talk about pets. One of my neighbors has a very cute French Bulldog, and as I was fawning over him, her six year old son asked me why I didn’t have a dog of my own. I gestured at my daughter and said I was already dealing with enough poop, I didn’t need to deal with any more! Classy, I know! When the time is right, I’m totally down with getting a dog. But, what about you?