2010 » October » 13 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for October 13th, 2010

Promises, Promises

Wednesday, October 13th, 2010
By Glinda

I solemnly swear I will never do these things to my infant daughter:

-Apply nail polish to her fingers or toes.

-Put her in a bikini.

-Enter her in a beauty pageant.

-Force her to wear shirts/onesies featuring bands she has never heard of.

-Dress her as a mini-me in matching outfits.

-Take her to a spa.

-Use flashcards to drill her in phonics, or math, or anything else.

-Make her wear dresses all the time. Or tutus.  What is it with the tutus?

-Get a “glamour” photo done.

I’ve seen way too many parents do these, and I’m not willing to subject her to such things for what basically amounts to parental gratification.   I’m not saying none of these will happen when she’s older, but it’s going to be YEARS.  Calculate how many you think it might be, and then add two more, minimum.

Although, is it wrong that since her brother is dressing up as Harry Potter for Halloween, that I desperately want her to be Hedwig? But damn if there are no cute owl costumes in her size range. Foiled!

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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