Sneaker Pimp
By GlindaBack-to-school shopping, I hate it.
I have to wander the aisles at Target with my little pre-printed list, wondering why they don’t carry white board erasers, and then wondering some more why I need to buy four of them.
We also had to purchase shoes, and made the trek to a couple of stores, only to find a horrible selection. And then amongst that horrible selection, hardly any of the shoes were my son’s size, which happens often. He must have been born in some sort of baby boomlet year, because it seems every time I try to buy him clothes or shoes, they are out of his size.
So, I decided to go to Zappos and see what they had there. They had a much better selection than the stores, and being the magnanimous mother that I am, I allowed my son to choose his own shoes.
Imagine my surprise when he told me he had found his pair and I looked at them on the monitor.
Here they are:
Your eyes are not deceiving you. Those are indeed gold sneakers.
Briefly, I pondered what his choice meant, and how it reflected up0n me, but then decided it reflected more upon him and his desire to be cool and “different.”
Once school starts, we’ll see if being “different” gains him accolades or finds him eating alone at the lunch tables.
August 19th, 2010 at 1:13 pm
Accolades. Those shoes are awesome.
I take this to mean you resolved the home-school vs public-school discussion in favor of public school?
My oldest is just starting kindergarten and I didn’t realize how this whole”school supply”list has blossomed. Eons ago when I was an elementary school student all I needed was a couple of pencils. Not even that, until 2nd grade or so. All I took to kindergarten was a lunch box. (A 3-ring binder? For kindergarten? Really?)
August 20th, 2010 at 1:16 am
Marvel, I decided to put him in this year because this upcoming year is when my state does the GATE testing, and by all accounts (not just mine, but his teachers and other people in evaluation positions) feel that he will pass the test handily.
Thus I want to ensure that if I do take him out of the system at some point,and if he ever decides to go back, he can enter the GATE classes without having to go through a big fuss.
Trying to see the big picture, even though I was leaning toward taking him out.