2010 » July » 26 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 26th, 2010

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, July 26th, 2010
By Glinda

Aaand we have a winnah for favorite cold drink- iced tea! I just so happen to love iced tea, and drink it pretty much every day. I brew my own in my handy-dandy iced tea maker, and take it straight, no sugar. I used to have a Diet Coke addiction, and then I found out you can use it to clean your tile grout, and from that point on, I didn’t feel right about drinking it. Water and soda tied for second with 12% of the vote.

I personally hate water. As in plain water. Yeah, I know I need to to live and all that, but I hate how it tastes. Which is like nothing. Which is why I hate it. OK, wait, where was I? I have a feeling I could go on like this for quite a while.

Oh yes, this week’s poll question.

It seems that for some stores, the holiday season can’t come fast enough.

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