Food Not Found in Nature
Wednesday, July 21st, 2010By Glinda
In my never-ending quest to expand my son’s dietary repoirtoire, I took him to the grocery store. He still seems to eat the same ten or so things, and I’m trying to get his portfolio a bit more diversified.
We trekked through the entire store, with no luck. I would suggest items, only to have them rejected.
Fine. I know better than to try to force someone to eat something.
Finally we reached the freezer aisle, and again, nothing caught his eye. Until, that is, we reached the very last case.
At the bottom of it, rather fittingly, were these:
“Ooooh, Mom!” he said excitedly, “I want to try those!”
Now, I am well aware that there is no anatomical part of a chicken lableled “nugget” but for some strange reason, my mind rebelled against this particular incarnation of pressed, formed chicken meat.
To have chicken rings in my freezer would feel oh-so-very-wrong.
I stand by my decision to ban them from our house completely.