Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0 » Teeny Manolo

Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0

By Glinda

You know how you know your life is in trouble?

When you think Friday is Thursday, that’s when.  And then you forget to put up your Friday specialty post until sometime in the afternoon because you only realized it was Friday in the last thirty minutes.

Sad, really.

Who else might be a little sad?  Seal, who lost to Christian Bale with only twenty six percent of the vote.  Although I’m betting that if he asks nicely, Heidi will give him a hug.

So who is today’s challenger?  Well, I’m forced to go to Canada for my international man hunt.  And this next actor may not be conventionally handsome, but to me, a sense of humor goes a mighty long way.  He has forever won my heart as GOB.


2 Responses to “Celebrity Dad Faceoff 2.0”

  1. raincoaster Says:

    That video is twenty tons of awesome.

  2. Glinda Says:

    Ain’t it just?

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