2010 » May » 03 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for May 3rd, 2010

How Many Licks Does it Take to Get to the Center of a Tootsie Pop?

Monday, May 3rd, 2010
By Glinda

Christina Aguilera and son

And of course, the answer is three.

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, May 3rd, 2010
By Glinda

McDonald's Happy Meal Toys


The man who jokingly tried to sell his kids on craigslist found a fairly unforgiving crowd here at Teeny Manolo.  With a majority of thirty-eight percent of the vote, you said that the police charging him with a crime was a bit much, but that he should never expect a comedy gig because trying to sell your kids for chuckles just isn’t cool.  Fifteen percent were fine with whatever punishment was meted out to him, and thirty percent thought the entire incident was just a big ol’ waste of time.

Now, it’s been all over the news that Santa Clara County in California is looking to pass a ban on McDonald’s Happy Meal Toys.  Not the Happy Meals themselves, just the toys, which they feel are contributing to childhood obesity by marketing the fatty meals to the most vulnerable of our society.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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    Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Mr. Manolo Blahnik. This website is not affiliated in any way with Mr. Manolo Blahnik, any products bearing the federally registered trademarks MANOlO®, BlAHNIK® or MANOlO BlAHNIK®, or any licensee of said federally registered trademarks. The views expressed on this website are solely those of the author.

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