2010 » March » 18 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for March 18th, 2010

“A” is For “Alice” and “Awesome”

Thursday, March 18th, 2010
By Glinda

Alice Fey photobomb

via Buzzfeed

Keeping My Inner Cougar Under Wraps

Thursday, March 18th, 2010
By Glinda



When I first read this snippet, my first reaction was “Ewwww!”

When Miley Cyrus first met beau Liam Hemsworth on the set of their film The Last Song, she wasn’t the only family member smitten with her new Australian costar.

“I don’t know who had a bigger crush on him at the beginning, my mom or me,” Cyrus, 17…

My mother and I did not have the closest of relationships, and if she had ever confessed to thinking a possible romantic interest for me was hot, I think I would have wished for the earth to swallow me whole so that I would never have a mental picture of my mom panting over a boy that could be her son.

Then I began to have mental fight with myself, because I thought, well, who am I to deny a woman’s sexuality, no matter what her age? 

My next thought was then, “But, ewwww!”

I countered back with the fact that it is common for many women and their daughters openly admire the same guys, a la Robert Pattinson and the Twihards.

robert pattinson

With more emphasis I replied, “But, like, EWWWWW!”

My retort was that it would be different if it was someone like an actor, because there would be basically no chance of either of them ever having a shot.

Then my brain exploded (it’s easily done these days) and I decided to go to bed, promising myself that of all the things I would bond over with my daughter, it wouldn’t be the hawtness of one of her potential dates.

Disclaimer: Manolo the Shoeblogger is not Manolo Blahnik
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