Guess the Celebrity Baby Game » Teeny Manolo

Guess the Celebrity Baby Game

By Glinda

Congratulations to Sarahcat, for the correctly guessing last week that our dark-haired young woman was actually Courtney Love! Sarahcat, you get to choose your imaginary prize of needless plastic surgery or a raggedy pair of tights, both of which Ms. Love seems to favor.


Can you believe how wholesome she looked back then? Courtney was looking really good there for a while, back when she was trying the acting thing, but she just couldn’t quite keep it together, it seems.

As for today, this young man is a cutie for sure…


3 Responses to “Guess the Celebrity Baby Game”

  1. Liz Says:

    That has to be Michael Jordan!

  2. Sarahcat Says:

    Hmm…I’ll stick with the leggings. At least they aren’t permanent, unlike needless plastic surgery!

  3. Mr. Henry Says:

    D.L. Hughley? He’s wearing his trademark smirk.

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