I’m So Excited… » Teeny Manolo

I’m So Excited…

By Glinda

You guys,  I just bought this new, super-cool cradle for my soon-to-be-arriving daughter.  I happen to think it is just perfect!

Klingon Cradle

You love it too, right?

5 Responses to “I’m So Excited…”

  1. Pencils Says:

    Could be a little dangerous for those mostly asleep night feedings. “Where’s the cradle? Oh, there it is…OUCH!!! Where are my toes??”

  2. Jennie Says:

    A Klingon cradle! Awesome! Converts to weapons when the tot is ready for warrior training at 2!

  3. gemdiva Says:

    Are you thinking of naming her Conan?

  4. class factotum Says:

    I was just thinking there is room for a leetle baby shark in there, too!

  5. raincoaster Says:

    Now I know what to get Trent Reznor and his wife for their anniversary.

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