Oh Cletus… I Never Thought I’d Have Your Picture in a Frame » Teeny Manolo

Oh Cletus… I Never Thought I’d Have Your Picture in a Frame

By Glinda

Today is picture day for the Munchkin.

And although I have been told by many an unbiased person that he is a handsome young lad, I’m afraid his 1st grade school picture is destined to look like this:

Cletus the slack-jawed yokel


You see, his two front teeth are extremely loose, and one of them might even have come out yesterday if I had allowed him to wiggle it as much as he wanted.  Because they are so loose, there are big gaps in between all of his front teeth, and the loosest one is actually sticking out at an angle.

OK, so maybe he won’t have the horrible haircut and ‘stache, but I have a feeling it’s going to be pretty close.

2 Responses to “Oh Cletus… I Never Thought I’d Have Your Picture in a Frame”

  1. missm Says:

    My 6-year old son who is cute as a button, if I do say so myself, always looks like he’s being held at gunpoint in his school pictures.

  2. Glinda Says:

    Aaaand the tooth is out! I almost think it looks better out.

    The weird thing is it fell out in his sleep and he woke up at 4am after spitting a tooth out of his mouth! And not to mention a bunch of blood on his pillow. Yay.

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