Taking “Crafty” to a Whole New Level » Teeny Manolo

Taking “Crafty” to a Whole New Level

By Glinda

Placenta teddy bear

First, we had recipes that utilized the placenta.

Now, we have a teddy bear.

Supposedly, this is being marketed as a “sustainable” toy.  It is actually a kit you can order which will allow you to dry and then mold your own placenta into what is arguably a teddy bear.

I really, really wish I was kidding about this.

(via Inhabitots)

5 Responses to “Taking “Crafty” to a Whole New Level”

  1. Awesome Mom Says:


  2. qc Says:


  3. gemdiva Says:

    Yeah, I wanna cuddle up to THAT under the covers! Please make it go away!

  4. Jennie Says:

    I thought the mother was suppose to eat it, not do crafts with it…

  5. Glinda Says:

    I am promising that this is one mother who will be doing NOTHING with her placenta.

    No recipes, no crafts, no hanging it up in a damn picture frame.

    I don’t get people sometimes.

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