Viggo Mortensen, Celebrity Dad Style: Making a Bold Statement » Teeny Manolo

Viggo Mortensen, Celebrity Dad Style: Making a Bold Statement

By Glinda

Viggo Mortensen


And I’m not necessarily talking about the shirt.

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2 Responses to “Viggo Mortensen, Celebrity Dad Style: Making a Bold Statement”

  1. Glinda Says:

    I watched Eastern Promises a few days ago, and man, can Viggo rock a smoothed-back pompadour!

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Viggo can make almost anything look good, though he was never closer to physical perfection than in the B classic, “American Yakuza.” Despite being an infamous Viggofan, I have yet to see Eastern Promises or The Appalloosa or even (pirates in Spanish!) Alatriste.

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