2009 » August » 28 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for August 28th, 2009

CDF: John Hughes Bonus Edition!

Friday, August 28th, 2009
By Glinda

Awww, it breaks my heart to say that James Spader’s Steff lost to Judd Nelson’s Bender as your favorite John Hughes bad boy.  Which is small consolation for Judd, as he hasn’t done a whole lot since The Breakfast Club.  That’s OK James, we’ll always have Secretary and Sex, Lies, and Videotape.  Erm, excuse me for a second, I need to go fan myself off…

Okee-dokee, I’m back.

Because I am still in a nostalgic mood, or maybe just because I’m feeling particularly lazy today, I’m going to extend my John Hughes thing just one more time.  Or most likely, because SusanG gave me the idea!

And I promise, this will be the last John Hughes themed CDF!

Duckie Dancing



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