Guess the Celebrity Baby Game » Teeny Manolo

Guess the Celebrity Baby Game

By Glinda

Well, I have had a very tough time pulling a fast one on you, our fabulous readers.  Not one game has gone by without someone making the correct guess.  I gotta pick up my game apparently.

Congratulations to the fantastic Pencils, who correctly guessed Elton John.  And look, he still has the chubby cheeks!


Today we have yet another blonde charmer, and I’m thinking you’ll have a bit more difficulty with this one. Bring it on, my friends, bring it on!


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3 Responses to “Guess the Celebrity Baby Game”

  1. gemdiva Says:

    Courtney Love? (or Princess Grace) (or Cybil Shepard) I’m running out of blondes so I’ll stop now.

  2. Pencils Says:

    Looks like Reese Witherspoon to me, but then she has kind of a baby face. Or maybe Meg Ryan.

  3. Liz Says:

    The picture kind of looks like Shiloh, so I’ll guess either Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie. I can’t decide if the child looks more like a little girl or boy.

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