2009 » July » 27 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 27th, 2009

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, July 27th, 2009
By Glinda


We must have a bunch of ex-cheerleaders as readers, because a full 57% of you said that you think cheerleading is a sport. I have to say I’m torn. I think at a certain level, college or certain high schools, that yes, it can qualify as a sport because they go to competitions. But for the rest of the 90% of the cheerleaders of the world, from four year olds who cheer Pop Warner football to most high school programs, it doesn’t qualify as a sport. And even the athleticism only kicks in at a certain level as well.

Ambiguous enough for you?

Well, there will be no ambiguity allowed in today’s poll, which is partly inspired by a debate at my son’s school to implement school uniforms.

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