2009 » July » 23 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 23rd, 2009

Reason 2,496,251 to Love Johhny Depp

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009
By Glinda

He’s man enough to wear his daughter’s necklace as a bracelet.



Johhny Depp at Comic-Con (Source:AP)

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For That Floating Sensation All Pregnant Women Crave

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009
By Glinda

If you have ever been pregnant, you know that months 6-9 are the toughest, physically speaking.  This is when your protruding belly causes you to start literally waddling, you are unfortunately on the recieving end of progressively harder kicks to your bladder and ribs, and the sleeping! 

Let’s talk about the sleeping, or more specifically, the lack thereof.  Not only do you have to get up and go to the bathroom approximately four times a night, your growing belly prohibits you from sleeping comfortably.   Back pain and hip pain are all too common. 

So in its wisdom, the pregnancy industrial complex has devised all manner of pillows that purport to deliver you into the land of slumber, stat.

In my bleary-eyed misery, I was perusing some websites for a suitable pregnancy pillow that would alleviate my problems.  I have experience with the wedge pillows, and also with the longer pillows which fit under both your belly and between your knees.

But things have changed since my last pregnancy, and I was confronted with this:


Whoa! I’m guessing this is for women who are secretly annoyed at their husbands, because there is no way your hubby is going to fit with that huge thing in the bed. Screw spooning!

Maybe I should just get myself one of these. It’s fairly similar, probably cheaper, and I can at least use it later!


Suits Me

Thursday, July 23rd, 2009
By raincoaster

So I’m hopelessly old-fashioned. So I went to boarding school and have yet to fully recover (my therapist is working on it). So Michael Lewis will never marry me.

Michael Lewis will never know what he's missing

Le sigh.

So what? I am not too old to lose my heart to a well-dressed young man, and if I have to be the sugar mommy I couldn’t do better than these dapper outfits, which are less than half-price at the Brooks Brothers Boy’s Department right now:

Seersucker Prep Jacket Seersucker Prep Jacket

Cotton Junior Nested Suit Cotton Junior Nested Suit

Martha’s Vineyard, Hollaback!

Liar's Poker

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