2009 » July » 20 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 20th, 2009

Monday Teeny Poll

Monday, July 20th, 2009
By Glinda


Last week I asked if you thought we had a “boy problem” in the United States, as reflected in lower educational scores, higher arrest rates, and a higher suicide rate, amongst other statistics. Thirty eight percent of you think that we definitely do, and I agree. As the mother of a young son in school, I think that the commenters who pointed out that our current education system is not set up particularly well to teach boys were absolutely right.

Don’t get me wrong, I agree with all the steps that have been taken to advance girls as being necessary. But it is different when an institution in which kids spend twelve or thirteen years attending favors one sex. And at the moment, that sex happens to girls. A better balance needs to happen.

As for today’s question, I will include you in a debate I was having with a friend of mine. We both had been jocks in high school, making varsity and wearing our letterman’s jackets proudly. She was talking about her daughter, and lamenting that she didn’t think she was “sports” oriented, and that maybe she would like cheerleading, which she didn’t consider a sport.

What about you?

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Friday Caption Contest Results: What Not to Wear When You’re Pregnant edition

Monday, July 20th, 2009
By raincoaster

The image is unspeakable, so of it we will not speak. The winner is unbeatable, and so we will not beat her. Because she wouldn’t like it, and she would send us to our rooms, that’s why.

Go Go Gasmask

Glinda Says:
July 18th, 2009 at 5:07 pm

Rhonda decided that if she was going to have to change dirty diapers, she would do in style, dammit.

So as to avoid charges of a fix, we will forgo the normal presentation of hypothetical swag to the winner and instead will present the following to the subject of the photograph, who could surely use something tasteful to keep off the chill of our collective scorn: the Diane Von Furstenberg golden brown ring chiffon ‘Kynthia’ tunic coverup from Bluefly.com:

Diane Von Furstenberg golden brown ring chiffon 'Kynthia' tunic coverup

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