2009 » July » 18 » Teeny Manolo

Archive for July 18th, 2009

Hot Mama Tip: Flower By Kenzo

Saturday, July 18th, 2009
By Glinda


When I was getting ready to be married lo these eight years or so ago, I had this idea that I would pick out a special fragrance for my wedding day. One that I could break out for special occasions and remember the night my husband and I became legally wed.

After a fairly exhaustive search, I decided to purchase Flower by Kenzo. It was beautiful. Soft, delicate, and a little bit powdery, I fell in love with it almost instantly. And I’m not the only one, as Chandler Burr, perfume blogger for the New York Times, thinks it’s practically perfect as well.

Problem was, my husband for some reason hated the scent. He likes “strong” perfumes, and Flower could never be categorized as strong. So, since he disliked it so much, I used up the bottle I had and haven’t bought it since. But, I’m definitely thinking of buying it again in the very near future, as I figure he isn’t around me 24/7, right?


Saturday, July 18th, 2009
By raincoaster


Do me a favour: don’t be That Woman. Lululemon is fine (sure, everyone has been wearing it for the last five years, but Chip is awesome and besides, his clothes are actually quite attractive and good quality. But Crocs? Nevah.

Sorry, three weeks in Boondocksville have got me a little punchy. The fashion columnist here was complaining that when she goes to the Big City (I think she means Kamloops) people mistake her for a member of the Pussycat Dolls. Not. A. Good. Look.

Pussycat, Pussycat, would you put on some damn clothes?

Pussycat, Pussycat, would you put on some damn clothes?

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