Saturday Caption Contest Results: Street Kids Edition
By raincoasterOur most recent Caption Contest is our most hotly-contested one in memory, and the competition was as tight as money back in the day when this picture was taken. After much thought and not a little Bombay Sapphire, we’ve chosen a winner from among the many worthy entrants:
Frontier Former Editor Says:
July 12th, 2009 at 2:16 am
Pepe, you idiot! First you forget the cherry tomatoes, feta cheese and onion quarters, and now you don’t even brush them with olive oil after you spit them!
Congratulations and imaginary prizes to FFE for what is, I believe, his first win in our illustrious contest. Now, to the virtual presentation of the hypothetical swag: in this case, we’ve chosen the snappily retro Jaxon Rude Boy hat from TheVillageHatShop:
July 15th, 2009 at 6:06 am
Second actually, but who’s counting besides me? Bad thing is, it’s two wins for creepy kid comments but at least I got a cool hat and shoes out of it.
July 15th, 2009 at 6:08 am
Stick around and you could have a whole virtual outfit soon!