Guess the Celebrity Baby Picture » Teeny Manolo

Guess the Celebrity Baby Picture

By Glinda

We had lots of great guesses for last week’s game, because yes, the child somehow did manage to look like both Matt Damon and Kurt Cobain. However, neither one was correct.

That honor goes to our good friend Liz, who was the only one to suggest Leonardo DiCaprio. And she was right!

PhotobucketPhotobucket Photobucket

Well, somehow Leo managed to barely even look like himself when he was younger.

As for today’s young star, you guys are much too good for me to give you any hints, so have at it!


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8 Responses to “Guess the Celebrity Baby Picture”

  1. dr nic Says:

    My first insinct is to say Brooke Shields.

  2. raincoaster Says:

    Nikki Hilton?

  3. qc Says:

    Emma Watson?

  4. class factotum Says:

    One of those two-name girls. Sarah Michelle or something like that.

  5. ayla Says:

    Sarah Michelle Gellar! Buffy FTW!

  6. Mr. Henry Says:

    Meg Ryan?

  7. Jennie Says:

    Katie Holmes

  8. Liz Says:

    That’s funny because as soon as I saw the baby picture, all I saw was Leo.

    I want to guess Madonna on this little girl’s picture, but I agree that she does look like Sarah Michelle Gellar as well.

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