Monday Teeny Poll
By GlindaLast week I asked what you thought about the divorce rates in the United States, which I believe have actually fallen a bit in recent years. Although still too high for my taste. A full sixty eight percent of you are of the opinion that people do not work hard enough on their marriages. I agree. I also think that perhaps many people marry for entirely the wrong reasons. Only one percent of you thought that marriage was for suckers, so I guess that is encouraging as well.
Today, I’m all about celebrity moms. Granted, we know nothing about them than what we see in pictures and interviews, but I still want to know who you think is the nicest.
July 6th, 2009 at 9:05 pm
Definitely, unQUESTIONABLY Angelina. She has the nicest house.
July 7th, 2009 at 8:43 am
While I have an unadulterated crush on Angelina, and I would love to hang out with her, I feel the most kinship with Jennifer Garner, who I think is an absolute sweetheart and the most “normal” of all the celebrity parents these days.