Unliving Dolls
Sunday, July 5th, 2009By raincoaster
I freely admit, I don’t get the Twilight phenomenon; but then, I’m not a 15-year-old girl, neither between the ears nor (sadly) anywhere else. It comes with entire clothing collections and no doubt enough broody posters to cover the surface of the Sun (thus solving that pesky turning into dust thing). But among the Undeadnoscenti, there will be great rejoicing at the news that the Undeadverse will be gifted with it’s very own version of Barbie and Ken: the Bella and Edward dolls.
Please, please, if your teenage daughter or your inner teenage self insists, buy these dolls if you must (we’re nothing if not servicey: Bella is here, and Edward is here, and they’re each over $150) , but PROMISE ol’ raincoaster here you’ll throw in a copy of one of Chelsea Quinn Yarbro Count Saint-Germain books for when she grows up and needs a REAL woman’s vampire. You can thank me later.
And you will. You will.